# Methods
# bus.emit
Emits an event.
bus.emit(type: string, payload?: {})
# bus.debouncedEmit
Returns a debounced emit function. Useful when it is undesirable to emit the same event many times in a short period of time.
bus.debouncedEmit(delay: number, type: string): (payload) => {}
# bus.on
Subscribes to an event.
bus.on(type: string, listener: function)
Subscribes to all events.
bus.on('*', listener: function)
# bus.once
Subscribes to an event once.
bus.once(type: string, listener: function)
# bus.off
Unsubscribes to an event.
bus.off(type: string, listener: function)
# bus.removeAllListeners
Removes all listeners on a given bus.